Tierschutzverein Pangea e.V. 

Pangea Animal Rescue

Inquiry form

Name and type of animal you are interested in *
name *
Straße, Hausnummer *
Postcode, City *
Telefon *
e-mail *
Sind Sie berufstätig? *
How many people are living in the household? *
Haben sie Kinder? *
If yes, how many?
Wie alt sind die Kinder?
How do you live? *
Wie groß ist die Wohnfläche(m2)? *
Is there a garden? *
What area do they live in? *
What idea do you have of the animal? What character traits should it have? *
For a cat: How would you like to keep it?
How many hours per day will the animal be alone? *
Do you currently keep animals? *
If so, how many, what breed and how old?
Have you ever had animals before? *
Have you taken into account all the ordinary and extraordinary costs the animal will incur? *
message *